Glauco Simim Lima, widely known as "Gominha BJJ," is a distinguished Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competitor and coach. Born in Minas Gerais, Brazil, Gominha's martial arts journey began at the age...
Glauco Simim Lima, widely known as "Gominha BJJ," is a distinguished Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competitor and coach. Born in Minas Gerais, Brazil, Gominha's martial arts journey began at the age...
Plinio Augusto Leme is an extraordinary BJJ competitor and internationally recognized coach. Known for his unparalleled skill, dedication, and innovative approach, Plinio has played a pivotal role in shaping the...
Plinio Augusto Leme is an extraordinary BJJ competitor and internationally recognized coach. Known for his unparalleled skill, dedication, and innovative approach, Plinio has played a pivotal role in shaping the...
Ermilio Lucas Lima's journey in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu began in his homeland of Brazil, where his passion for the sport drove him to travel across the country to compete. His dedication...
Ermilio Lucas Lima's journey in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu began in his homeland of Brazil, where his passion for the sport drove him to travel across the country to compete. His dedication...